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3 Panel Soul Angry Zen Master Applegeeks Art Fight Highschool Blambot Blue & Blond Collected Curios Comedity Dead of Summer Devil's Panties Dominic-Deegan Dresden Codak Erfworld Freak Angels Geist Panik! Girl Genius Girls with Slingshots Menage a 3 Morlock Enterprises Paradigm Shift Penny Arcade Snafu Comics Courtney Crumrin Midnight Nation The Dresden Files Fallen Angels The Nightside Series Isaac Asimov Lois McMaster Bujold Neil Gaiman Peter F. Hamilton Robert A. Heinlein Linking FK | ![]() Welcome to Finder's Keepers.
I know a lot of you have anticipated this for a long time, so here we go! First off, we update tuesdays and fridays. Secondly, the site is still being put through its paces and will be adjusted a touch over the first couple of weeks. So, please bear with us if something isn't working quite right. There should be an actual wallpaper donation gift (rather than the reaching hand placeholder) up by tomorrow morning. Please, feel free to email any comments, querries, concerns, critiques, etc to -Garth | MTAC
Nashville, TN April 6-8 C2E2 Chicago, IL April 13-15 Animazement Raleigh, NC May 25-27 Heroescon Charlotte, NC June 22-24 Connecticon Hartford, CT July 13-15 Want me at your convention? Email me. |